[Penghu Produce] 澎湖的農作物

AWhat on earth is the main produce in Penghu?


BThe Penghu farm produce is limited owing to small amounts of rainfalls, strong dry monsoon and salty soil.

    澎湖因為降雨量少,冬季季風強,土壤又含鹽份高,適合種植的農作 物不多。

    The produce of Penghu include low- economy peanuts, aloe, cactus, edged loofah, dew melon, water melon, corn, pumpkin, Shiang- Ru grass, and a few others.

     澎湖的農地只能種植花生、蘆薈、仙人掌、菱角絲瓜、哈密瓜、嘉寶瓜 、玉米、南瓜、香茹草等經濟價值較低的農作物。

     Penghu has three kinds of famous melons which are the edged loofah, dew melon, and water melon.  Shiang- Ru grass can be served as herb tea that can help keep you from sweating in the sunshine, and aloe crops is a treatment for natural beauty.

     澎湖的菱角絲瓜、哈密瓜及嘉寶瓜是最著名的三大瓜果,其中香茹草可 煮成香茹茶,可清涼退火,蘆薈是天然的美容良藥。

BThough Penghu produces only a few crops, they still have economic value.


AOh, I see !



 owing to/因為

  strong monsoon/季風強

  salty soil/含鹽份高的土壤

  low- economy/經濟價值較低

  Shiang- Ru grass/香茹茶

       Halophytic-tolerant to salt water