Premier Editing Services


Kiwi Magic Editing offers a premium language and copy-editing service to all researchers, thesis writers and web designers who wish to publish their manuscripts in scientific peer-reviewed periodicals and books, meet requirements for degree certification, or enhance their English web sites respectively.




 Why use Kiwi Magic Editing?


Over FIVE thousand papers proofread and edited. Many web sites edited.

·    上四千份相關文件與網頁的外語編輯校正經驗

Access to local translators and academics for specialist support.

·    擁有具專業行業知能的翻譯以及學者的特別支援

Over 34 years in the editing business (at 2022). Most edited papers accepted by professional peer-reviewed journals.

·    超過29年的編輯行業實務(2022),已有許多編輯文章在國際期刊上發表的實例

""Authentification of Editing" certificates available on request.

· 有相關文件可供證明.

Over 50 years in the field of education, with 17 years tutoring at National Sun Yat-Sen University, and 18 years tutoring and editing at Kaohsiung Medical University (at 2022).

· 超過50年的教育經驗,近17年連續於中山大學不同系所的開設英文課程以及18年在高雄醫學大學任教及編輯。

Other present and past editing clients include researchers, professors and web site developers from I-Shou University (Kaohsiung County), Cheng Gung University (Tainan), Taipei TakMing University, Kaohsiung City Foreign Affairs Police Dept.(now National Immigration Agency Service Center), Penghu County Tourist Police Dept., and Kaohsiung City Bureau Information Technology Dept.

·    其他客戶包含研究員、教授以及來自義守大學、成功大學、內政部入出國及移民署高雄市服務站、澎湖縣政府警察局、高雄市政府資訊中心

University Professors, Hospital Researchers, Doctors, Scientists, Engineers, Economists,
Human Resource Trainers and Video Production Specialists from around 70 institutions use our editing services:


* Bali Psychiatric Center, New Taipei
* Buddhist Tzu Chi University, Hualien
* Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Taipei
* Calo Psychiatric Center, Pingtung County, Taiwan
* Cathay General Hospital, Hsinchu
* Center for Disease Control
* Chang-Gung Medical Center & University, Taoyuan
* Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Niao Song, Kaohsiung
* Changhua Christian Hospital, ChangHua
* Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Chia-Yi
* Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan
* China Medical University & Hospital, Taichung
* Chung Hua University of Medical Technology
* Chung Shan Medical University Rehabilitation Hospital, Taichung
* College of Public Health & Nutrition, Taipei
* Chang Jung Christian University
* China Bound Co., HRD Training, Daniel SU.
* Cishan Hospital, Kaohsiung
* E-Da Hospital, Kaohsiung County
* Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Taipei
* Fei Hao Video Studio, Kaohsiung
* Food Industry Research & Development Institute
* Fooyin University Hospital, Pingtung
* Fu-Jen Catholic University
* Hualien Tzu Chi Medical Center, Hualien
* Hung Hwa University of Medical Technology
* Hung Kuang University, Taichung

* Institute of Forensic Medicine, Ministry of Justice, Taipei
* I-Shou University, Yan Tsao, Kaohsiung
* JiaNan Mental Hospital, Tainan
* Kai Shuan Psychiatric Hospital, Kaohsiung
* Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital,
* Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
* Kaohsiung Medical University & Teaching Hospital
* Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital
* Lishin Hospital, Taoyuan
* MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei
* Mei-ho University, Pingtung
* Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, Kaohsiung
* Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Kaohsiung
* Nursing & Management College, Taipei
* National Chiao Tung University
* National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan
* National Chung Hsing University, Taichung
* National Defense Medical Center and Academia Sinica, Taipei
* National Kaohsiung First University
* National Kaohsiung First University of Applied Sciences
* National Kaohsiung First University of Science & Technology, Yenchao
* National Kaohsiung Normal University, Dept. Special Education
* National Ping-Tung University of Science & Technology
* National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung
* National Taiwan (Tai Da) University, Taipei
* National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei
* National Yang-Ming University, Taipei
* Nursing Association of Kaohsiung
* Oriental Institute of Technology, Taipei
* Rong Dzong Hospital, Kaohsiung
* Saint Joseph's Hospital, Yunlin
* Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital
* Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Medical University
* Sin-Lau Hospital, Tainan
* Shu Zen College of Medicine and Management, Kaohsiung
* Taichung College of Health Sciences,
* Taipei City Hospital, Taipei
* TakMing University
* Tajen University of Technology, Ping-Tung
* Taoyuan General Hospital

* Ten Chan Hospital, Chung Li, Taoyuan
* The Neurological Institute, Taipei
* Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei
* University of Occupational & Environmental Health, Japan
* Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung
* Wang's Video Studio, Kaohsiung
* Yang-Ming University Schools of Medicine, Taipei
* Yuan's General Hospital, Kaohsiung
* Yuanpei University, Hsinchu


現任(Current teaching and regular consulting clients include):



Kaohsiung Medical University

           醫學研究碩士/博士班講師, 語文中心醫學編輯顧問, 進修推廣教育部


Fei Hao Video Recording Studio



Kaohsiung Nursing Association




At Kiwi Magic Editing, we understand how important your publication is to you. For most researchers, success and recognition depend on papers being published in prestigious journals, which win further support for other research projects. A polished and fluent style of written English can significantly enhance the readability of your paper, which will ultimately assist in achieving rapid publication and increased future citations.




  SERVICES 詳細服務項目


Our Services 我們的服務

Kiwi Magic Editing offers the following services: article and manuscript copy-editing, tutoring and teaching, language consulting, translation, ghost writing, English web site editing, and cross-cultural counselling.



• Complete editing services.

• Translation support services.

Tutoring of company classes in Conversational and Business English.

English language consulting to government departments.

Specialty English teaching for university classes in any department.

Audio English dubbing for video presentations for the international market.

Tutoring of government department classes in situ.

Tutoring on a private basis for individuals and small business groups.

• Provision of many study and writing materials available free on the "resource" page.

Cross-Cultural psychological (counseling) service referral available on request.


* Our Senior (native English-speaking) Editor is also able to speak, read and write Chinese, and has post-graduate qualifications in educational and vocational psychology. He is also a certificated teacher in his own country, and holds a Taiwan Ministry of Education Teaching Certificate.

He has studied Chinese Martial Arts, Chinese culture, and has an active interest in traditional Chinese medicine, the biosciences and environmental issues.



In the international world of publishing, the ability to write in English at a high standard is a major advantage. However, our services are available to all. With our many years of experience in the business, we have developed a vast network of resources.



Through our extensive background in working with many professors and researchers, we have an excellent understanding of the requirements of both researcher and publisher. We also have access to local Chinese translators and academics. These experiences and services, without doubt, will enhance the quality of your paper and ultimately its success in terms of impact and future citations.



Over the years, we have edited more than 5,000 articles in bioscience, economics, finance, engineering technology and medicine.





Step 1. Please submit your paper, either directly to  "The Editor" at stevetrd@gmail.com  or to Miss Inia Hsu at lc@kmu.edu.tw , the Language Center of KMU (Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung Taiwan). In the latter case, there will be an additional handling fee of $100NTD per article.

 Step 2. We will edit the article within three working days as a general rule, and send you an e-mail concerning terms for payment.

 Step 3. Editing fee, terms and conditions for payment will be included in the returned e-mail. You may contact us directly with any queries you may have (contact us).

 Step 4. Your paper will be assigned to an experienced, skilled editor in your academic field, who will edit and return your paper to you within the above stated time. The editor will communicate with you personally on any queries which may arise during the editing process, and if necessary, will supply you with detailed feedback in relation to your paper.

 Step 5. Payment


步驟一: 將您所需要編輯校正的文章直接e-mail: medical.editing.tw@gmail.com, 或是 許小姐在 lc@kmu.edu.tw (高雄醫學大學語言中心)


步驟二: 我們將在三個工作天內針對您的文章做初步了解,並用e-mail給予報價

步驟三: e-mail報價當中將包含所有編輯撰寫校正相關費用,當然針對報價單上的任何疑問,您都可以隨時直接聯絡我們。(聯絡我們

步驟四: 在您確認需要我們的服務後,您的文件將會將由與您需求符合的專業領域編輯負責,並在您預定的時間弟交給您。編輯人員會在編輯過程中與您溝通,以釐清在編輯時所產生的疑問,必要的情況下,也會支援與您文件編輯相關的資訊。

步驟五: 付款




In reality, some papers require more work than others.


Some authors may only wish to have the paper proofread for grammar, spelling and structure, while others may wish to have their paper edited in terms of improved clarity of expression, formal use of English and overall academic readability. ]


Thus, the level of service will depend on the author's requirements.


As a guide, most papers are charged at $250NTD per average normally spaced A4 page of regular font size. Double-spaced A4 pages are charged at $100NTD per page.

These prices are for very technical material.


In principle, non-technical editing is usually carried out very rapidly, so cost is assessed on a time basis, which is much cheaper, making the cost reduce to around $50~100NTD per page.


Returning customers also receive a discount. Many of our regular customers have sent in several manuscripts for editing and are, therefore, more than happy with our prompt service.


Certificates of Editing are charged at $50NTD extra.


There is a minimum $100NTD administration fee for handling your paper, which is exclusive of the editing cost.


We wish to point out that our fees are much cheaper than other (international) on-line editing companies, as we are based in Taiwan, and can therefore offer a prompt and efficient service direct to our Taiwan customers.

Simple billing and payment instructions will be included in your confirmation e-mail.


All prices are quoted in New Taiwan Dollars and are inclusive of all taxes. To receive a quick currency conversion on your quotation, please click here:

所有的相關收費將以台幣含稅計價收取,如果想要以其他外幣來估算您文件的價格,請按以下網頁: http://www.xe.com/ucc/



How to pay 如何付費

For your convenience, we offer three ways for you to pay:


 I want to use the post office ATF account way. 郵局匯款

Click here   請按此鈕

 I want to pay the editor directly. 直接面交付費

Click Here  請按此鈕



Welcome to our Resources Page. Here, you will find links to many grammar and structure hints, plus many English study resources in a variety of topics such as talking about food, movies, television, travel and work.

Many of the files are in English-Chinese format, and therefore have great use for foreigners and Chinese alike when explaining various aspects of their different cultures.



All the files are in pdf format, so you will need Adobe Reader to be able to read the documents. This program (Chinese version) is freely available from Adobe's main website at: Adobe Reader Chinese

所有的檔案均為pdf檔案,您的電腦必須先灌入Adobe Reader程式才可開啟閱讀,以下是本程式的中文版將可在Adobe主頁上免費下載。

To download any of our files, just click on the link shown below.




Resource Design (click here)  資源設計相關問題(請按這裡)




We will handle your personal details entrusted to us with the utmost care and confidentiality.

We will not ask you for any additional information outside of the basic details required to edit your paper.

No information provided by you will be passed on to third parties.

Should you have any queries in relation to any aspect of our security policy please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at stevetrd@gmail.com, by phone at 886-7-552-4444, or mobile: 0931-909-812




e-mail: stevetrd@gmail.com

聯絡電話: 886-7-552-4444



  Senior Editor 資深編輯群


Stephen R. Tredrea MA(Hons); B.Ed.; Cert.Prof(Ed); DipTchg; CTEFLA.


 Kiwi Magic Editing Services [TW] has developed from a perceived need for competent editing of academic papers, theses and articles for general publication.  



The principal, Teacher Steve, has over 50 years experience in the field of education, including teaching, writing educational materials, cross-cultural counseling, and editing services. Steve has an inherent understanding of the education and publishing system specifically in Taiwan, having lived here since late 1989, serving first as a director of foreign teacher services to a local private cram school, then later as a professor teaching all aspects of English language at a leading (Kaohsiung) university.

He is also a consultant to many businesses as well as government departments, having trained their staff in Business English and the like.  

Alarmed by the rejection rates recorded during the peer review process due to poor English, Steve founded Kiwi Magic Editing Services [TW] as an easily accessible service for his (Taiwanese) clients.






*Kiwi Magic Editing Services [TW]*

If you have any general questions regarding our services, please contact us at:



For queries concerning our teaching and tutoring services, please contact us at:



If you wish to subscribe to our daily English Jokes & InfoTrivia Newsletter, please contact us at



We will respond to your queries within one business day.


Alternatively, please feel free to call our office on:

Tel/fax: 886-(07) 552-4444; or Mob: 0931-909-812; OR 0966-102-804


電話或傳真: 886-(07) 552-4444; or 手機: 0931-909-812; OR 0966-102-804

Kiwi Communicative Language Enterprises [TW] Inc.

14F #68 Wen Jung Rd, Gu Shan District, Kaohsiung City 80464, Taiwan.

台灣高雄市鼓山區文忠路68 14

Please note that our teaching and tutoring hours are from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm (GMT+8 hours) Monday to Saturday.

Editing hours from 10pm-1.00am.





Kiwi Magic Editing will give your manuscript the necessary care and attention such an important document deserves. We will endeavour to take due care and attention in the editing of your documents, and will bring all editorial changes and suggestions to the author's attention.

 However, it is the obligation of the author to check all changes made to his/her manuscript (the sole responsibility for the final published manuscript lies with the author).



Furthermore, we cannot guarantee securing publication of your manuscript, as the final decision regarding this remains the prerogative of the peer review body of your choice.


Finally, we cannot judge or give an opinion concerning this issue on a manuscript.


