Premier Editing Services
奇異語言溝通顧問公司提供優質的外語編輯服務,不論想修飾論文以因應學位申請、期刊書 籍發表 ,或是將相關網頁內容改寫為英文,奇異語 言溝通顧問公司,都能協助您完成優質的外語表達。
Kiwi Magic Editing offers a premium language and copy-editing service to all researchers, thesis writers and web designers who wish to publish their manuscripts in scientific peer-reviewed periodicals and books, meet requirements for degree certification, or enhance their English web sites respectively
Kaohsiung Wall Art-Landscapes         - Kaohsiung Wall Art -    Kaohsiung-WallArt-portrait
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Over five thousand papers edited and one thousand five hundred editing certificates issued (at MID-2022). 

Over 34 years in the editing business (at 2022).

超過50年的教育經驗,近十七年連續於中山大學不同系所的開設英 文課程以及十三年在高雄醫學大學 任教及編輯 (2022)。其他客戶包含研究員、教授以及來自義守大學、成功大學、高雄市警察局- 外籍人士事務管理處、澎湖觀光局、高雄市政資訊中心。
Over 50 years in the field of education, with 17 years tutoring at National Sun Yat-Sen University (from 1995-2012) and 18 years tutoring and editing at Kaohsiung Medical University (from 2004-present 2022).
美術圖片 美術圖片 美術圖片 美術圖片 美術圖片 美術圖片
What I Read or Watch Daily: Alternative News Links             
AlJazeera Middle Eastern NEWS Aljazeera Middle East News Informed Comment-Middle East Perspective Informed Comment
-Middle East News
The John Oliver Show in HBO John Oliver Show on HBO
Security & Liberty International  NEWS
Truthdig Beneath the Headlines Nation USA Politics
Mother Jones Blogs  Environmental & Political Blogs Alternative News Political News
Liberty Fact Check:
Exposing the lies and misrepresentation in the  main media news.
Medical Watch Web Quack Watch:
Checking Fraudulent Medical Claims and Web Sites for your safety.
現任: (Current and Past Teaching & Consulting Clients)
  高雄醫學大學 (醫學研究碩士/博士班講師, 語文中心醫學編輯顧問, 進修推廣教育部)
Kaohsiung Medical University
  高雄市政府資訊中心 (英文顧問)
Kaohsiung City Government Bureau of Information Technology [PAST CLIENT]
  非豪傳播有限公司 (英文顧問)
Fei Hao Video Recording Studio (PAST CLIENT)
  捷徑電腦公司 (英文顧問)
Access Computer Company (PAST CLIENT)
MFN Magazine mfn title
MFN Metal Finishing News International (Switzerland)


Kaohsiung Nursing Association and Bi-monthly Magazine
曾任:(Past Clients)
NSYSU 國立中山大學講師 (推廣教育中心, 公共事務管理研究所)
National Sun Yat-Sen University (Kaohsiung) Taiwan (PAST CLIENT)
 Penghu Police Division 澎 湖外事警察 (英文顧問) (PAST CLIENT)
  (link to PENGHU Tourist Information and English/Chinese dialogues)
 Amy's Restaurant and Hotel Group AMY’S 餐飲管理公司 (英文顧問/老師)
AMY’s Restaurant Group (PAST CLIENT)
Taiwan Water Cheng Ching Lake 台灣自來水公司第七出管理處 (澄清湖) ( 英文顧問)
Taiwan Water Company (7th District) (PAST CLIENT)
St Dominic
道明學校雙語部門 (英文顧問)
St Dominic School Bilingual Department (PAST CLIENT)

 Language clutches us with unseen fingers.
It conditions our thinking. Through language, we impose upon each other, our ways of looking at things.
Language is the system of habits we reveal when we speak. It has a contradictory bias, because it splits the concept of intellect from the concept of body and emotion, yet we learn it naturally as a mother tongue through emotion.
As our needs are manifested, they are expressed through emotion, which in turn finally becomes appropriate language.

Language is Emotion; Emotion is Language.

Ubi Dubium; Ibi Libertas. Where there is doubt,there is Freedom.
Quae Nocent; Docent. What pains us, trains us.
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Finis Origine Pendet. The beginning foretells the End. Non Sibi. Not for Self alone.
Sic Volvere Parcas. Thus spin the Fates.Alia ucta est. The die is cast. Ne Eas, Ibi. Don't go there!

Gullibility is the greatest crime; Faith is Fear that has said its Prayers.

There is a fine line between religious fervour and pathological delusion.
Instinctive "self-righteousness" is the most potent force in instigating people to be cruel or inhumane toward others OR OUTSIDERS not sharing the same bel
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kiwi2 EFL
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