
A Tourism-Oriented Practical English Manual


Links are to Text; Table cells  to mp3 Files

Audio Files


1 restaurant
2 steak
3 fast food
4 seafood
5 juice
6 special products
7a nightmarket
7b seasonal
8 buying hats
9 masked women
10 handicrafts
11 clothing
13 hotel check-in
18 special events
MaGong Airport EFL Course (text)
15 Conversations

Text Files (in Chinese and English)

  1. Inquiring about a Restaurant】詢問餐廳地點

  2. Having a Meal at a Steak House】牛排館用餐

  3. Having a Meal in a Fast Food Restaurant】速食店

  4. Having a Meal in a Seafood Restaurant】海鮮店用餐

  5. Ordering Juice in a Beverage Shop】點果汁

  6. Buying Special Products】買特產

  7a. Snacks in the Night Market in Penghu】澎湖夜市小吃

    7b【Penghu Seasons of Produce】澎湖季節性農產品



  8.Buying Hats】買帽子

  9.Masked Woman Style in Penghu】澎湖蒙面女郎

10.Handicraft Specialty Store】手工藝品專賣店

11.Clothing Store in  Penghu】澎湖服飾店


參、住Hotel Accommodation

13.Checking In】辦理住宿手續


14.Makung Airport】馬公機場


15.Going Fishing】去釣魚

16.Going Diving/Sailboarding/Swimming】去游泳

17Penghu Archipelago Basalt】澎湖群島玄武岩

18.Talking about Special Events and Festivals】特殊節慶

19.Penghu in Brief】介紹澎湖

20.Leisure Fishery Activities】休閒漁業

21.Penghu Aquarium】澎湖水族館

22.Penghu Produce】澎湖的農作物

23.Recommended Activities】建議活動

24.Bird Watching】賞鳥

25.Picking Seaweed】採海菜

26.A Sea Tour】海上之旅

27.Public Signs